Men's Fellowship Breakfast

The Saturday Morning Men’s Breakfast Fellowship & Bible Study has been a staple of Maranatha from the beginning. Each Saturday morning, the kitchen fills with the smells of bacon and eggs or pancakes and sausage or whatever happens to be on the menu that morning! After the food is consumed and the kitchen is so-clean-your-grandmother-would-approve, the men gather to study Scripture. The Bible is the only book used. The setting is casual and relaxed. It’s a wonderful time to dive in and unpack God’s Word together!
All men are welcome to attend whenever your schedule allows. Or, add this time to your regular schedule! There is no pressure to read, to share, or to pray. Simply come and be fed – by the food and by God’s Word!
For more information, please contact Rick Manderud (218) 790-3478 or Del Palloch (218) 443-2719.